Rebecca Black's Friday video removed from YouTube

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Rebecca Black video "Friday" music, which has more than 160 million hits on YouTube has been removed.

The official video of the black side contains a warning that the video "no longer available due to a copyright claim by Rebecca Black," with a "sorry" YouTube.

A spokesman for YouTube TechCrunch offered the following statement on the topic:
YouTube is a copyright violation very seriously. When we received a complaint that a video of another person or copyrights of the company to remove the video violated. Users who think the video was removed in error may be contrary to the author, the appeal of the demolition.

"Friday" have recently been following a paywall and users pay $ 2.99 to access the video via YouTube Rentals. Access to the video - without paywall - was restored, but it seems the video has been removed.

Rebecca Black's Friday video removed from YouTube, Because copyright claim by Rebeca Black.


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